Green Hills Software Products

Installation Guide

Document Rev 2.3 (Updated: Dec 15, 2010) # IG-415E

This document explains the steps to install product It is divided into the following each parts.

Installing UNIX Versions

Installing Win32 Versions

About License

Release information on this product is stored in HTML format under info/ in the directory where the package is installed. Be sure to read it carefully with your web browser.

A special file is also stored into info/ so that you can refer the product name and product version. This file consists of the output from gversion for each file prepared in the package. (gversion outputs the last modified date even for such a non-executable file as library or source code, as well as the output from "ls -l".) The last six-digit number in the file name indicates the release number of the product.

Moreover, a template file used for technical support by e-mail can be found under info/. You can use it to contact us for a technical communication.

Installing UNIX version

Steps to installing UNIX version

Steps to install
(Rev 2.2)

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Installing Win32 version

Steps to installing Win32 version

Steps to install
(Rev 2.3)

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About License

How to be licensed
(Rev 1.9)

(Rev 1.8)

config.lck File
(Rev 1.8)

If you fail to be licensed
(Rev 1.8)

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